I kept my promise.

Eighty seven days ago, I boldly promised to blog everyday throughout the winter with the ultimate aim of keeping me motivated during the long cold months.  If I didn’t do anything in the garden, then I would have nothing to write about, although I do have to confess I did do some creative bluffing from time to time – you may or may not have noticed.

The garden is looking good, and I am in a much better place than I have been in previous years, but there is still loads to do to get the garden spring ready, however there is something different in the air – a sense of things to come and the need to find a reason to get out in the garden has all but vanished.   Spring is here and the garden calls to me.

The garden is beginning to shape up, but we still have quite a way to go to get it spring ready.
The garden is beginning to shape up, but we still have quite a way to go to get it spring ready.

So I shall step away from my poor worn out keyboard and take a well-earned break as I decide what to do next.  Don’t get me wrong I have enjoyed writing every day and the need to come up with something continuously has led to a few crazy posts and I do find if I only blog intermittently then I end up with a boring list like summary of the things I have done in the last week.  I need to find a happy medium.  But you can help me out here.  Let me know what you think I should do.  Have my incessant posts driven you to distraction or do you like them and want more?

Come again soon – I have a glasshouse to fill with greenery!

Sarah the Gardener : o )

41 thoughts on “I kept my promise.

  1. Sarah, I have loved your blogs and am really impressed at your discipline, posting something very day……even if it was just some pictures! Your posts usually come in at bed time and I read them on my iPad before I go to sleep.

    You have inspired me through our summer and my garden is looking better for it so thanks!!

    Keep up the good work. The new greenhouse looks fantastic. Well done.


    1. Hi Fiona. Thank you so much for your kind words. I have had a good break and am ready to go again, although maybe not everyday. Spring is such a busy time.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

    1. Hi there. Thank you so much for your support over the winter months. I’m not sure how frequently I’ll blog over the spring as it is such a busy time, but I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away for too long at a time!
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  2. You did it! Well done 🙂

    By the way, just exactly how big is the greenhouse? I reckon 10′ x 10′ and Mud thinks 10′ x 14′ which is the size we want for the bottom corner of our garden? He’s probably correct (he normally is about these size things) but we can’t see how many side panels there are.

    1. Hi Elaine. You are technically correct about the size of the greenhouse. It is 2.75m across the front which is close enough to 9ft and 3.350 down the side, which is roughly 10ft. You win!

      It feels so roomy compared to the last one, but that was roomy compared to the one before and so on and so on. I’ve had a lot of greenhouses in my time as a gardener and they would all fit inside each other like one of those Russian Babushka Dolls.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  3. I find following blogs like yours help me keep inspired – like, “omg, if I was keeping a regular blog I’d have nothing to say, so I better get out and do something!”

    1. Hi Cally. I’m so happy to have inspired you. Blogging every day really forces you to do something – anything, every day. While I needed the break, I have really missed it.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  4. Been following you for about a year, would like to hear more about how things were done, so I can learn, more into the research and what you found to be the best way.

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Hi Allene. I love to share the things I have learnt – especially as most of the things I have learnt have come from the hard way! Often experience in your own garden will teach you what works and what doesn’t and each year you will get better and better. The key thing is to just give it a go!
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  5. I’ve really enjoyed the daily posts, but can see it must be a big committment. I wouldn’t want to miss out on what happens over the next busy months though, so maybe go to two or three a week? Thanks for the winter ones.

    1. Hi Marina. I have had a lovely break, but as I start to throw myself into the spring gardening I keep finding myself thinking “oh that would be good in a blog” so I can see myself blogging away merrily again real soon.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  6. I just got back from a month of visits and studies and have finally just about caught up with my RSS Feed Reader. Glad you managed to get through all of your posts and sorry I missed them all. Your veggie garden is looking amazing and speaking from this side of the water, we LOVE your posts 🙂

    1. Hi Fran. I saw how much you had on, and while I did miss your lovely comments, I did understand. I’m surprised you managed to keep blogging through your busy time! I guess soon we will catch up with each other again.

      By the way how is your garden – have you protected it from the beasties yet?
      Cheers Sarah : o )

      1. We are just about to sink the last 4 poles and concrete them in. The soil has been a quagmire up till now and has only just started to dry out. As we are perched on a steep rocky hill with a dense clay base 200mm down we have to wait till the soil decides to play ball ;). We have been planting trees like mad fools, trying to get all of the potted plants that we brought here 3 years ago out into the ground before summer hits so that they can take advantage of this wealth of soil moisture we have at the moment. Hopefully our summer won’t be as bad as last year. I still have silverbeet and spinach in my poor little garden but this years garden is going to be very interesting. I am amassing raw materials (we are going to need to build up the soil a LOT) including a trip in the very near future to get seaweed from a local beach to topdress the garden. Getting very excited about getting stuck in again after being held hostage by the winter 🙂

  7. Congratulations to you Sarah, well done. That’s a great achievement. I really like that idea that to enable you to blog you needed to have done something in the garden every day. As we’re entering autumn over here now I could well relate to that!

    1. Hi Sophie. I find blogging really motivating, especially during winter. It is so easy to put things off because it is a bit cold, but perfectly sunny and before you know it winter slips away and spring arrives and you haven’t done anything! I achieved a lot, but there is still a lot left to do. But that is the thing about gardening – there is always a lot to do.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  8. Your posts have always been great and I have enjoyed them very much. It is just funny how are are getting ready for planting and our garden is winding down. I am not looking forward to fall and winter.

    1. Hi there. Thank you for your great support. One of the ways I kept myself motivated during the winter was to read northern hemisphere blogs. Sometimes you can feel the warmth coming out of the words and photos. It is just as well northern gardens are winding down, as I hardly have the time to keep on top of my blog reading as spring is such a busy time.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  9. I love your posts! They always seem to magically appear right when I need a little escape in my hectic life. And constantly remind me that my own backyard garden needs TLC. With your constant nagging, I mean motivation, 🙂 there is now a garden in sunny San Diego, California, USA that is on its way for its winter planting (we get to garden year round here due to the weather).

    1. Hi Jeanette. I have to say wow – that is amazing, I would never have thought that I was nagging – I mean motivating someone on the other side of the world to have a awesome garden. I’m really stoked that you have enjoyed my blogs.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  10. I enjoy hearing from you daily, but I know what a grind that can be at times, when life presents a myriad of challenges. I committed to blogging every day for a year, and enjoyed the challenge and the camaraderie. I’ve since cut back to five days a week, taking weekends off. It’s a better balance for me.

    I enjoy your sense of humour and your day to day updates. Sometimes hearing that nothing is new is very grounding in itself. That’s life.

    1. Hi Alys. I guess I will find a good balance for blogging as the season goes on. I have had a great break, but now I really feel like I need to get back into it as my mind is so crammed full of ideas and it has no outlet!
      Thank you so much for your support, it is really lovely.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  11. Hi, I love your posts and they inspire me immensely. Your kind of humour is great! I do understand though if you had less time now that spring has (sort of) arrived, as one needs to be out and about. I agree with some other comments, maybe 2 or 3 times a week would be lovely! However often you do it, I am loking forward to your posts! Keep up the good work, blog and garden. :-))

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