Food in Hand

The days are long, the sky is blue and the temperatures are soaring.  It is the perfect combination for the veggie garden.  I am seeing a harvest and am completely delighted.  There were a few points in time when it didn’t look like I would get there and while it isn’t as prolific as I would have liked due to the lateness of the planting in the spring, anything is better than nothing!

And so in the spirit of Wordless Wednesday here is an tribute to my harvest:

I will probably be spending the rest of the day either watering the garden, as it is so hot out there all the plants are screaming ‘I’m thirsty!’  Or I’ll be inside hiding from the heat.  The house beside the sea has as lovely cooling ability and the breeze from the ocean makes things in this heatwave actually quite pleasant.

Come again soon – we will soon be moving into late summer, and I’m not sure how I feel about this.

Sarah the Gardener  : o)

NB:  Clicking on the images will reveal a comment so it isn’t entirely wordless – but it is Wednesday!

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