And for my second blog of the day we are going to have a celebration.

Everyone loves a cute chicken photo!
Everyone loves a cute chicken photo!

My last blog was all serious and a bit of a worry.  This one is much more upbeat.  All the while that I have been pacing myself with my blogs, keeping up with my gardening endeavours and not spending too much time on the keyboard – taking away from gardening – and more importantly – family time, I’ve been nominated for some awards.  I wanted to mention them, and I wanted to give them the full space and credit they need, without making my blogs too long, but the garden stuff just kept getting in the way.  I’m there is no excitement in telling everyone about a broccoli that is long gone, in a meal enjoyed ages ago.  A ready broccoli is something to be excited about at the peak of its readiness – otherwise it’s just a broccoli – a boring old broccoli.  Hopefully I’m not alone in this.  Maybe I’m just weird.

Gratuitous garden photo so this blog doesn't seem so long - broad beans
Gratuitous garden photo so this blog doesn’t seem so long – broad beans

Anyway I’ve had not one, not two but THREE AWARDS!  I think two are the same, but have different pictures and two are different but from the same person.  These awards appear to travel around the blog world like wild fire, and it seems that not everyone is into them, but they are a lovely way to shine a light on the blogs you enjoy.  The “rules” seem to be the same for most of them, so if you are a stickler for the rules then maybe Google them to find out exactly.  I’m not so good with rules for things like this so hopefully nothing bad will happen if I deviate a bit from the expected format.  (“They” can’t kick me off the internet can they?)

The general gist is to link back to the person who gave you the award and say thank you.  Which is only manners and should be done regardless.  Then you share 7 things about yourself… can be as silly or serious as you like or even just 7 random facts.

Another photo to hid the fact this blog is too long - kale
Another photo to hide the fact this blog is too long – kale

Then you have to nominate others to receive the honour.  Some say 10 and some say 15.  Not everyone will throw themselves into the spirit of the award, but you can still bless others by telling all your people about how cool your favourites are.

Oh and you have to display the awards on your blog somewhere.  I shall put mine on my about page – that is probably in desperate need of an update.

So without further ado…

I would like to thank:

LubbyGirl at The REmissionary  for the Lovely Blog Award and the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.  I am very humbled to be chosen for two awards from you.  Thank you so much.    She has such a lovely blog with heaps of cool things and a heart that is in the best place – the right place.  Go and have a look.

I would also like to thank:

Cheryl at gardenhood for the Lovely Blog Award and I think the best thing I can do for Cheryl is nominate her for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award that LubbyGirl gave me.  Oh my goodness this lady is a huge inspiration.  She comes from Colorado in USA and not only was her community devastated by a dreadful hail storm, but in the following weeks a wildfire that took out large parts of her community.  Her words spoke of such bravery and courage that left me feeling such awe.  Please check out her blog – she is such a wonderful writer and gardener as well.

Ok next:  The SEVEN THINGS

  1. I’m actually quite shy in person – until you get to know me.
  2. Hubby the Un-Gardener isn’t as incompetent as I make him out – he’s actually a very professional businessman making his place in the world and becoming more and more respected with his achievements every day – until I undermine all that in my little corner of the world.
  3. I am actually amazed that there are people out there in the world who don’t like gardening – I mean REALLY?  How can you not.
  4. I drink far too much tea.  Well it’s not so much the tea that the problem – it’s the 1 sugar that goes into each one.
  5. Life is good.
  6. I can procrastinate a bit – well actually an awful lot!
  7. Saving the best until last…  I have written a book – a proper one!  I’m still in a bit of shock as it has happened so quickly.  The seed company that first got me into blogging by hosting a Blogging / Gardening competition have very generously arranged to have my blogs from the competition – along with a whole lot of new stuff I’ve written – turned into a book with their publishers HarperCollins and endorsed by them.  So thank you Yates for your support.  The book should be in all good book stores and garden centres in NZ and Australia from March next year.  That’s the crazy thing about blogging is you pour your heart out and put it out there on the internet and you never really know if it’s good or not.

Which brings us to a nice Segway…  there are heaps of people out there just putting their stuff on the internet and I just want to say that it takes courage to do so and I have to pick some people to let you know I like their work.  I’m I bit narrow focussed when it comes to reading blogs – let’s say I’m a gardening purist.  But not everyone who reads my stuff is the same so along with nominating gardeners I also want to say thanks to those of you support me.

I genuinely wanted to share this photo - the first asparagus of the season - yummo!
I genuinely wanted to share this photo – the first asparagus of the season – yummo!

Firstly I want to highlight some fellow kiwi gardening bloggers who are doing great things:

I also want to share another Sarah’s garden:

And lastly some of the people who always support my blogs:

For those on the list you can choose to accept either or both of the awards – both apply to you.  Or you can choose to ignore them, I won’t be offended.

One last gratuitous photo of my red cabbage
One last gratuitous photo of my red cabbage

Thanks to everyone who reads my blogs and a special thanks to those who let me know you like it.  It’s nice to remind others that someone out there is actually reading their blogs so don’t be shy with the like button.

Well that’s about as much as I should say without turning this into a dreary long blog.

Come again soon – there’s one more for today and I’m so excited I think I’ll pop!  But I must get on or it won’t happen.

Sarah the Gardener  : o )

17 thoughts on “And for my second blog of the day we are going to have a celebration.

  1. I wanted to wait up for the next one – but I gotta go to bed at a more reasonable hour tonight. Yawnsnifflesnort. Just had to say first, though, that I love the cute chicken photo. Someday, if we keep this place, we’d like to have chickens – if the mountain lions don’t get ’em! The creeps.

    1. Hi. I hope I haven’t oversold the next blog, but for me it is almost too exciting for words.
      My goodness – Mountain lions! I think I would be too frightened to garden outside – let alone having chickens!
      Cheers Sarah : o )

      1. nah – they don’t come around often, but when they do I wanna watch out for short-stuff Spencer. I think they got our other little doggie, Diogi (pronounced D. O. G.) cuz he just disappeared one day. And I read your next blog this morning – EXCITING!!! Love the seeds and the expectation.

  2. Congratulations on your awards and on getting your book published! I enjoyed reading more about you (I’m shy until I get to know people too) and reading through the blogs you listed – I found a new one to follow, too.

    Thanks for the nomination, and your kind words – you made my day.

    1. Hi Heidi. I’m so glad you enjoyed my words. This little corner of the internet is such a lovely place to hang out. There are such lovely people here. Cheers Sarah : o )

    1. Hi Claire. Thanks for your kind words. I still can’t get my head around the book. It happened so quickly. It wasn’t on my New Years Resolutions list of things to do! It is amazing the turns life can take – if you let it. Cheers Sarah : o )

  3. Gratz on the awards Sarah and thanks so much for the nomination, I am honored! And the book deal… wow, how freaking exciting is that?!?! My sincere congratulations to you! 🙂

    1. HI Jewels. Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m still in a bit of shock about the book as it has happened so fast. I think it will truly sink in when I have a copy in my hands! Cheers Sarah : o )

  4. Goodness, thank you so much for thinking that my blog is worthy of an award! Unfortunately, August is my flat-out busy time with B&B as well as all animals and plants around the place, so I won’t be able to take part in all the bits and bobs that come with it. It’s difficult enough just to get make a blog entry these days, but thanks again and congratulations to you!

    1. Hi Christine. No problems. I know not everyone has time to throw themselves into the awards thingies, but I thought it would be nice to acknowledge your lovely blog. I hope you find time to soak up a bit of the summer for yourself before it slips away into autumn. This year seems to be racing by too quickly.
      Cheers Sarah : o )

  5. Sarah, I had such fun reading this post, and the hilariously named “gratuitous” fotos — lovely! oh, especially the red cabbage at the end. I enjoy being turned on my head reading your opposite-season-from-mine gardening delights. A very loud KUDOS on your book. I’ll certainly tell my friends on the north island to keep an eye open for it come early fall (March, right?). Cheryl

    1. Hi Cheryl. I’m so pleased you enjoyed my post. I get so much inspiration from reading northern hemisphere summer blogs during my winter, so I hope I can repay the favour and give a taste of summer during someone else’s winter.

      Cheers Sarah : o )

      PS March is right!

  6. Woops! I am sorry Sarah…I have been “flat out like a lizard drinking” and completely didn’t see that you had nominated me for an award! Thank you SO much! I am incredibly touched by your consideration for my blog and you just made my day! I have been spending a lot of time at sustainability workshops over the last week and have been out in gardens learning the hard stuff. I am all hyped up on Mountain Dew and ready to plant this year! Your blog has given me the impetus to get my own capsicums, eggplants et al planted and situated somewhere near Brunhilda our behemoth of a wood burning stove that radiates heat and love throughout our lives over the winter period (which here in Tasmania seems to radiate for about 10 months of the year 😉 ). Thank you again from the bottom of this aging penniless hippy heart for your nomination again 🙂

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