A tribute to my fluffy garden buddy

Toast the Cat
The greenhouse was her favourite place

My poor wee Toast.   OK I can’t do this justice.  It is too upsetting.  The vet found an aggressive tumor that was beyond repair.   She’s been by my side for 15 years and loved my garden.  She was only 8 weeks old when we got her from the SPCA and she has been a sweet natured wee thing ever since.  She loved being in my videos and snuck her cute way into my books and blogs.  She will be greatly missed.

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Toast the Cat     2001 – 2016

Toast the Cat
Enjoying sunbeams in the garden

Come again soon – the garden just won’t be the same.

Sarah the Gardener  : o(


29 thoughts on “A tribute to my fluffy garden buddy

  1. So sorry for your lost. Toast will always live in your thoughts. Blessing to you and family.

  2. Oh Sarah, we understand, we feel for you. I’m still trying to figure out Toast as a name though there must be a pretty good tale to tell there Looks like Toast has had a pretty cool life in your family. Xxxx

    1. Thanks Lynne. When we got Toast as a tiny wee kitten and were wondering what to call her, the markings on her fur were so pronounced it looked like a piece of toast that had just popped out of the toaster. We joked about it for a bit, but it kind of stuck – like it was meant to be her name all along. We were blessed to have her in our world.
      Cheers Sarah : o)

  3. Sarah I’m so sorry to hear about Toast. Those special wee shadows take a piece of us with them.

    1. Thanks Olivia. They become such a part of your everyday life that it becomes hard to imagine life without them, until you have to live life without them. We’ll never forget her presence in our world.
      Cheers Sarah : o)

  4. Oh Sarah. I’m so sad to hear of the loss of your beloved Toast. She was a wonderful gardening companion and I imagine a restful presence in your home. I loved seeing her appear in your posts. I know how much you’ll miss her. I also understand what it’s like to lose a beloved animal. Arms around you.

    1. Hi Alys. It has been quite devastating and we have all cried buckets. She seemed to love being in my blogs and videos because whenever I got the camera out in the garden she was there – trying to photobomb it.
      Thanks so much for your kind words.
      Cheers Sarah : o)

  5. Hi Sarah My sincere condolensces. I know what it is like. My cat Whisky got sick and I told him when I get home from work I will take you to the vet. That is the last I saw of him so felt rather gutted I had not done something sooner. Lesson learnt. Now I have Missy and like Toast she is by my side in the garden. At times a pest particularly when I an untangling twine. She thinks it is all a big game.

    1. Thanks Carol. The vet did want to send her off there and then, but we asked if we could have the weekend to say goodbye. I think it was much better that way – especially for the boys. The tumor was very aggressive and wasn’t spotted by the vet earlier in the month. The pain meds they gave her made it seem like she was her usual self – which kind of made it a little harder, but also easier to enjoy the last weekend with her. It isn’t the same without a feline friend.
      Cheers Sarah : o)

  6. I am so sorry for your loss. I also lost a cat several years ago who lived to be 15 years old and died due to cancer. I will never forget my cat. They stay in your heart forever. I know you will miss her forever. Love your tribute of photos. Like her laying in the basket of eggs.

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